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PACES Plans for the Year Ahead

PACES Plans for the Year Ahead

At its annual general meeting held last 15 May and in subsequent meetings of its Executive Board, newly elected PACES President Dr. Jane Gerardo-Abaya led the members and officers in conceptualizing plans for the coming year. These include a relaunch and expansion of...

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PACES Elects New Officers

PACES Elects New Officers

The Philippine Austrian Cultural and Educational Society (PACES) celebrated its 8th year of operation on 15 May 2024 by electing a new set of officers for the term 2024 to 2026. The new set of PACES officers are: Dr. Jane Gerardo-Abaya, President; Priscila...

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Four PACES Scholars Get Their Diplomas

Four PACES Scholars Get Their Diplomas

All four PACES scholars who were awarded STEMS75 scholarships in the year 2021have finally received their Bachelor of Science degrees. The scholars are: Mr. John Paul Dave Sarte Ebit, B.S. Information Technology at the Rizal Technological University, Mandaluyong...

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Government Study Projects Need For Engineers

Government Study Projects Need For Engineers

The Philippines will need over 1.8 million engineers by 2025. Most of that need will be in the sectors of agriculture and forestry, manufacturing, construction, transport, mining, and utilities like electricity, gas and water, and other services. This is according to...

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Address of UNCAV Secretary General to Filipinos in Austria

Address of UNCAV Secretary General to Filipinos in Austria

PACES is pleased to publish excerpts of a speech that the Secretary General of the United Nations Correspondents Association in Vienna (UNCAV), Mr. Hermann Kroiher, addressed to members of the Philippine Community on 10 June 2022. Mr. Kroiher delivered this address at...

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PACES marks 6th Anniversary with Thanksgiving Mass

PACES marks 6th Anniversary with Thanksgiving Mass

The Philippine-Austrian Cultural and Educational Society (PACES) celebrated it's 6th year Anniversary on 16 May with a Thanksgiving Mass held at the St. Augustin Church in Vienna's first district. This coincided with the Sunday Loretto High Mass at St.Augustine Church...

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STEMS70 Scholars Pass Philippine Licensure Examination

STEMS70 Scholars Pass Philippine Licensure Examination

Congratulations to Koleen L. Bacud and Cathrine M. Madlangbayan for passing the Civil Engineering Licensure Exam (Board Exam) given in May 2022 by the Philippine Professional Regulation Commission. The two new Civil Engineers, who passed the board exam on their first...

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Properly train the youth of today

Properly train the youth of today

The Philippines can really reap its demographic dividends if we train our youth properly now. This was the message of Philippine Consul General and Charge d'Áffaires Frank Olea during his introductory remarks at the virtual lecture of Dr. Baby Jane Punongbayan on the...

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